Blood (literally) Sweat (lots of it) and Tears (itchy eyes from the really bad cold I had) - A couple years of my life.
Achey muscles - Another couple years of my life.
Time - 4 long days (keep in mind I had a bad cold too)
Cost of several diet Cokes - $20.
But the satisfaction of laying my own tile (with the help of mom and Riley) - Priceless!!
This past weekend (Thurs, Fri, Sat, and Sun.) my mom came up to Logan to help me lay the tile in our house. It was a lot of work, and I wondered what was I thinking several times, but now that its done I love it. On Thursday and Friday my mom and I got busy buying literally 1 ton of tile and laying it in our house. I seriously couldn't have done it without my mom's help. She kept me working hard and worked about 20 times harder than I did. We had a blast - most of the time. Then on Saturday and Sunday, Riley and I grouted the tile. It was an easier job than laying it, but I was so sick and sore and tired that it took us longer than it should have.